Spring Projects of 2019


Hello Friends!!

My goodness but it has been a long time since I’ve last posted.  Please know that this is no indication that I am planning on closing or shutting down my blog….not at all!  It is simply a reflection of going with the flow of life and my creative juices.  But here on this slightly rainy and grey Saturday, I felt like writing and sharing a little of what I am into and planning this spring!

So lets start with some sewing…my favorite thing to talk about! 🙂  I have discovered a secret love of bustle gowns and completed my first just a few months ago!  I most definitely feel a little late to the 1880’s party, but oh boy am I here to stay!!  I relied heavily on Prior Attire’s Victorian Dressmaking book (link HERE) and have to say I am very pleased with my first attempt.


I am planning on creating another one in the near future, I just have to decide on what silk I want to use.

I am currently waffling between these two styles of gowns on the left of each fashion plate…

Any thoughts????

I have also been spending more time trying to improve my overall gown construction.  Not just for the sake of sturdiness and quality but of course with the aim to continue to make my gowns as historically accurate as possible.  I have create a Pinterest board highlighting a variety of construction techniques along with the inner “guts” of gowns.


This is one of the many reasons that I love this type of sewing.  The ability to improve and perfect ones techniques is a continuous work in progress and helps keep everything fresh and exciting…even if you are dealing with garments hundreds of years old!

Apart from sewing, I have also been busy preparing my garden for the upcoming growing season.  Ive decided to try a portager garden.  This kitchen garden draws on the French style of growing plants that are not only visually beautiful but also provides a bounty of goodies to enjoy all summer long.  Here are a few of my favorite inspiration images…

Image from Modern Frontiers Woman

Image from Helen Phillips 


I’ve read The Complete Kitchen Garden Book by Ellen Ecker Ogden cover to cover twice and am excited to try this new (or at least new to me) type of gardening.

I’ve been a nervous wreck watching and hovering over my 50 plus seedlings slowly growing by my kitchen window.  Growing from seeds is an extremely fun and extremely nerve wracking ordeal…just a few more weeks little guys!  You can make it!!! 🙂

So what have you all been up to?  Any new tips or tricks to share???

Feel free to comment below! 🙂

Happy Spring and Happy Easter!


Also, Monday (4/22/19) marks the last day of my current online sale…save 30% on select Ready Made Items.  Click HERE

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