Knowing when to take a break…

You feel that you are in the zone.  Creativity seems to ooze from your fingertips as gown after gown is crafted and made.  Every picture, drawing, and pattern seems to spark a fire of imagination…until….your mind suddenly seems to drain of ideas. You stare for what seems to be hours at those once inspiring images only to shake yourself out of a daze and realize that nothing has been accomplished.

Seem a bit dramatic?  Maybe.  But to those of you who know EXACTLY what I am talking about, this event can happen all to often.  And if you were at my house this past Saturday, that is how you would have seen me.  Staring blankly at fabric that wouldn’t give up its secrets.  That wouldn’t lend itself to some new design.  So I do what I always do when this event seemingly sneaks up.  I walked away.  Left the fabric on my sewing table, turned off the lights, and went on my merry way.

You see I have learned that the best way to renew creativity is to not force it.  Occupying my mind with other avenues and not stressing over the lack of sewing will be the quickest way to see its inevitable return.  I read gardening magazines.  I tried out some new cookie recipes.  Went shopping for some new spring clothes and gave myself a home facial and pedicure!

It’s been five days since I’ve last sat at my sewing table.  Five days of fun and diversion.  When will I get back in to the swing of things?  I’m not quite sure.  But what I do know is that I will…just not today!