BONUS POST Dressing like a 1860’s Woman: The Order of Clothing

2021 Edit 

 *While this post is over 10 years old, it is still a great visual source for the proper layers to an 1860’s ensemble.  Enjoy a young mid-20’s Aimee! :-)*


There can be a bit of confusion of all the various items one should wear when dressing as a 1860’s lady, and in what order all of these items belong. I have created a picture tutorial of what I humbly think (based on research and practicality) the order of events should be when dressing. Hope this helps!
Step One:
Put on stockings and garters.

Step Two:
Put on chemise and corset. Lace up corset as tight as you can but make sure you still feel comfortable and can breathe normally.

Step Three:
Do your hair. I find that this is the best point to create one’s hairstyle. This way you have the basic foundation of clothing on, yet you can still move fairly easily.

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Video Series: General Overview of Fashion 1800-1820 (Sample Membership Post)




The full post featuring videos on the first half of the 19th Century (1800-1855) will be published on June 14th, 2021.  


Every so often, I will be asked by a museum or living history group to give a brief, but encompassing talk on fashion from the 19th century.  That is a rather tall order to talk about a hundred years of fashion….as there is just SO MUCH to talk about.  However, for those who really have no idea about the fashion of the 1800’s, this is such a great way to start.  A person can see the subtle, and not so subtle changes, of fashion which came about through political, social, and mechanical changes/inventions.

I decided to record myself giving this roughly 45 minute talk, but broke them up into smaller videos.  That way a person can watch and rewatch any section they want based on personal interest.

The videos will be divided up into the following decades:

Video 1  Regency (1800-1820) and Romatic Era (1820-1840ish)

Video 2* Early Victorian (1840-1855)

Video 3*  Victorian – Age of the Crinoline (1855-1869)

Video 4*  Victorian – The First Bustle (1870-1879)

Video 5*  Victorian – The Second Bustle (1880-1888) and The Edwardian Era (1889-1900)

*Videos coming out in future posts.


To start off, we will begin with the Regency Era.  While this era is rather short, politically speaking, it is probably one of the most recognizable styles due to the enduring popularity of Jane Austen novels.  But how many of you know about the Romantic style???  Watch to find out!




I hope you enjoyed this sample post from the 19th Century Living History Membership.  Want to watch the other videos coming out over the next several weeks?  Join now!

Video Series – Planning Your Next Historical Sewing Project

New Year. New plans and new goals.

So to celebrate, here is a video highlighting and explaining how I go about planning and preparing for a new project. AND I am sharing with all of you the handout I use while planning and researching for a gown.

As always, thank you all of your continued support and encouragement! If you are new here…welcome! Please take some time to check out my About page and explore the many topics on this blog. From recipes to patterns to videos and reviews, there is lots to read about and try!

While I will continue to pop on here every so often, make sure you are following me on Instagram (@aimeevictorianarmoire) and Facebook (@aimeevictorian) for daily posts, videos and more.

So You Want to Try Vintage Sewing?

Alright, today’s talk is all about vintage sewing!  When I was planning out my talking points, I only had a few highlights to go over.  But jeepers, put that camera on record and the words just flowed! So join me as I go over what is vintage sewing, how to find patterns (both modern and vintage), along with special tools and fabric needed!

Helpful Links:

Missed last week’s chat on Historical Sewing?  Check it out HERE!

Want to see how to take a modern sewing pattern and adapt it for a more vintage look?  Check out my video tutorial HERE!

Recommended Vintage Inspired/Reproduction Pattern Companies:

Wearing History

Mrs. Depew

Decades of Style

Vintage Dancer


There are, of course, numerous other businesses out there that create vintage/vintage-inspired patterns!  If you have a favorite, please share it below in the comments! 🙂 Â