HSM: Dimity Bustle and Petticoat Complete!!

I am very pleased to have finished the January challenge of the Historical Sew Monthly a little earlier than originally planned!  I had a great time creating these two pieces and am excited to use them as the foundation pieces for February’s color challenge of blue.

Completing the bustle came with a few challenges, especially since the sides of the bustle have a slight bubble to them from the inside panels being tied.  You will see what I mean when you look at the side of the finished product.  Here are a few pictures of the final stages of the bustle: inserting the boning, adding the side panels, and attaching the inner ties.




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HSM: Foundations – Dimity Bustle

I have begun working on the January challenge of Foundations  for the Historical Sew Monthly.  It took me almost a week to actually decide on what I wanted to do, as I was going back and forth between a corset, or a caged crinoline, or a farthingale…..the list goes on.  I knew that one of the challenges I wanted to create this year was going to be a late 1870’s natural form, princess gown, so with that in mind, I decided to create a dimity bustle.  I did some research and found a workable example with which I could create my pattern.  I really wanted to create the entire look myself, so I was hesitant to see other people’s versions and patterns.  I have found it a very fun project so far and, if time allows, will hope to complete a petticoat as well before the February challenge begins.

Here is what I have so accomplished so far:

The inspiration photograph



Here is a very rough diagram and sketch of the pattern I created….I know it’s a little hard to see.   The inside of the bustle can be seen in the upper left hand corner of the page on the right side.


I created my 3 panel pieces and began stitching my boning channels with twill tape.  Each piece, the outer as well as the two inner pieces (I will explain those pieces in my next post), were doubled in thickness to add some weight to the white muslin.



I did decide to go ahead and just directly attach the ruffles to the bottom of the bustle, even though the picture shows them as removable.



I am hoping that I can complete the project this weekend without too many distractions…all though even now I am rushing to complete this post before friends come over for dinner! 🙂

Enjoy your weekend and have a Happy MLK Day!

 – Aimee

1770 Polonaise Gown

Well, I am on my way to completing my first personal sewing challenge, so here are the finished pictures, along with several construction pictures, of the gown.  I am not happy with the final pictures..the tones is very off, so I may retake them and repost at another time.  But I still wanted to share what I have completed so far!

Here are the two fabrics I choose: one for the petticoat and one for the over dress.



I created a shorter petticoat and placed it over panniers.  I also added extra padding on the bum area.



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2015 Sewing Challenge

I’m going to try something this year that I have seen many others do, but have never done myself!  A yearly sewing challenge!  Normally I just sew project by project choosing each one at a time, however I have really felt a desire to try some new fashion styles.  Following one of the longest creativity droughts I have had in a years, I want to keep my sewing fresh and challenging.  I have created a special Pinterest board specifically for any inspirational pictures I will use for each project, so feel free to check it out!  Here is the link.

I have chosen 12 items with the goal of doing at least one per month.  With some being less complicated than others, I am hoping that this will be a challenge I can complete along with perhaps a few extra surprises along the way!  I have listed the following in chronological order along with one inspiration picture for each!

2015 Sewing Challenge List

1. 1560’s Gown



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