Musings from a Fabulous Weekend….


Well, Thanksgiving came and went and was just as wonderful as usual!  I was planning on getting some sewing done over the weekend, but spent two glorious days decorating my house for Christmas and baking over 14 dozen cookies!  I am a huge cookie lover, and therefore really took my time baking my most favorite types of cookies.  Thumbprints, sugar cookie cut-outs, and chocolate chip, just to name a few, have all been carefully packaged up to last the season…with a few left out for me to enjoy now!

My tree is up and it is beautiful!  I really like to decorate my tree with opposites.  For example, I have lots of sparkly, glitter ornaments and decorations, but then I tone it down with large swaths of burlap ribbon.  The combination is one of my favorites and I find the living room to be the most relaxing and calming during the month of December.  All thats left to do is decorate outside….and as soon as all the fall pumpkins are gone, I can go ahead and string up the lights.  Until then, I have to wait, as I don’t want to cross over holiday decor!

Another reason I just couldn’t seem to find time to head down to my sewing room was PBS showed the 1985 Anne of Green Gables series.  This is one of my all time favorite series since I was a little girl, and once I saw that was on, nothing would do but to plop myself on the couch and enjoy!  To me, the appeal of this series is more than just the story, which, of course, I love.  But it is also the scenery, the music, and of course, the fashion.  The outfits Anne wears in the both the Anne of Green Gables and the Anne of Avonlea series are absolutely stunning.  Simple, clean, very well constructed and a perfect representation of her character.  Here are a few of my favorites:




I was completely taken away for a good 6 hours….and while projects are still waiting to be completed, it was most definitely worth it!

I am three and a half weeks away from life returning to a more normal status, and with that will be a return to sewing tutorials, videos, and more projects!  I can’t wait!!!

Have a fabulous week!


Vintage Thanksgiving Advertisements


I’m pretty sure I have said this before, and will most probably say it again, but I adore vintage advertisements.  I love the catch phrases, the corny promises, and the super happy people just grinning from ear to ear over the product.  But when you add in anything to do with a holiday, I just go wild!  Commercials have the same effect on me.  Whenever a holiday commercial comes on, especially if its one that gets played every year, I just get that much more excited!  So with Thanksgiving coming up this week, I thought it would be fun to take a look at some vintage advertisements featuring products that one must just simply have …or at least within reason!

Turkey, or in this case, ham is the foundation for the meal.  I can’t say I have ever had ham on Thanksgiving…but if it was put out there next to the turkey, I’m sure I would indulge!


Okay, I personally do not care for sweet potatoes or yam..but I know many in my family do.  Especially if it has little tiny marshmallows melted on top.  So this advert is for them!


Can’t have Thanksgiving dinner without the cranberry sauce or jelly!  I love how this Ocean Spray advert includes recipes!


A proper Thanksgiving meal wouldn’t be complete without the dessert.  Here is one featuring Dinah Shore and her pumpkin pie recipe!


And for those of you out there who can’t decided between pumpkin or pecan….why not try this pumpkin pecan pie!


I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving where the times with friends and family are as delicious as the food!


Fun Vintage Sewing Projects


Sometimes it can be a fun change to sew something vintage that isn’t an apron, a skirt, or a dress.  Often when I think vintage, my mind immediately goes to garments.  I begin browsing my patterns, books, and Pinterest for the perfect item.  But sometimes its fun to think outside of the box…or at least outside of the closet.  So I challenged myself to find three easy yet very vintage-y projects that would satisfy my retro need while still offering a nice change.

Here is what I found!

All links are listed below the image.

These hangers are a perfect way to still focus on vintage garments, while letting you go absolutely wild with color!  I love how these hangers are finished with little puff balls and tassels!  These would be wonderful to give as Christmas gifts!!  


Vintage Wrapped Hangers by Sugar

These burp clothes are sooooo sweet!!  Make them for a friend, a family member, or for your own little one! Just be sure you don’t mind them getting covered in formula!


Vintage Burp Cloths from Polka Dot Chair

My last vintage sewing project is this adorable tomato pincushion!  What I love is the switch from solid red fabric to a happy red gingham!  Make a whole crop of these tomatoes in various tones and patterns!


Tomato Pincushion by Bee in my Bonnet

Sewing vintage can relate to a wide variety of projects.  And with Christmas coming soon, why not create a few of these projects to give away to loved ones.  Not only may you save a few dollars, but the thought and time that goes into them will most certainly be appreciated!

Have fun!


November Favorites


There just so many things that have been inspiring me lately.  From baking, to art, to fashion and sewing, I just can’t get enough!  I really had to work hard to trim down this month’s selection as I could have kept adding gown after gown and photo after photo.  However, I stayed focused and am very excited to share with you the five images and ideas that get my creative and fashion juices flowing!

First off let’s start with this absolutely fabulous late 1850’s gown.  I mean talk about a colorful, vibrant gown that is perfect for any holiday dinner or tea.  I can’t imagine the amount of patience needed to attach all the trim to the skirt!


My next monthly favorite comes in the form of baking.  With Thanksgiving just around the corner, everyone is busy creating the perfect fall pie!  And wouldn’t it be fun to try some different decorations for the pie crust?  I certainly think so!  Martha Stewart has some fabulous options:


Decorative Pie Crusts from Martha Stewart

This painting is absolutely captivating.  The deep purple of the velvet gown with matching hat and trim gives my little heart palpitations!  I need that gown!!!


The Godmother’s Garden by Marie-Françoise Firmin-Girard 1875

This 1885 Swedish fashion plate is awesome for several reasons.  One, the gowns are perfect for a crisp fall day, but second, just look at the chilly, gothic location where these well dressed ladies are placed!  I get goosebumps just thinking about it.   Just look at that spooky manor in the background!


My last November favorite comes in the form of this 1950’s sweater ensemble.  I love how long, cozy, yet very stylish it is.  I swear I saw this same sweater in a window at the mall not too long ago.  I love when fashion repeats itself!


Between baking, vibrant colors, rich velvets, and warm knits, I am having a fabulous November so far!!

All the best!


Happy Veterans Day!  A big thank you to all who have served!!


Having a Harvest Feast


I have several vintage cookbooks that are my absolutely favorite things to read on a rainy day.  There is something so relaxing about reading recipes, table setting ideas, and ways to wow your guests all from the comfort of your couch.  And it seems the older the book, the more descriptive and detailed the ideas become.  How to set a table for different meals throughout the day using the same centerpiece tickles some domestic part of me.  The proper way to serve coffee following a buffet dinner or how to greet guests right when they walk in the door while making sure your dinner doesn’t burn in the oven are all fascinating tidbits to learn.  So when it comes to having friends or family over, even if I don’t serve one recipe mentioned, I will always start by reading one of my vintage cookbooks.  It puts me in the right frame of mind and ensures I plan the most perfect meal.

Today I wanted to share with you one fabulous meal entitled Harvest Feast.  This comes from my Betty Crocker Hostess Cookbook from 1967.  I adore this cookbook and am pretty sure I have read it at least 20 times with no signs of getting bored of it yet! While I have to be honest and say that I can’t see myself cooking any of these recipes (except maybe the cake), I absolutely adore the idea of having a meal focused on harvest.  Not a Thanksgiving meal mind you, but a dinner that embraces all things warm, cozy, and autumn.  Here are the two pages from the cookbook which outline exactly how to create your own Harvest Feast:



Any proper Harvest Feast must have the proper table setting.  Here are few of my favorite pieces:


Natural Leaves Placement from Pier One


Cream Leaf Pitcher from Kohls


Pumpkin Soup Tureen from Macys

So whether its a harvest feast for two or twenty, embrace the tones, textures, and flavors this season has to offer!


From My Sewing Table: November


I know that this saying usually applies to March, but my goodness has November come in like a lamb.  It has been so mild that I haven’t even needed to wear a jacket…and if you follow my blog, you know that makes me so sad! 😦  Let’s hope that cooler weather shows up soon!

But with the arrival of November comes the official start of the holiday season!  I may or may not be listening to Christmas music already…I can’t help it!!! 🙂  This is my most favorite times of the year and I can’t wait for Thanksgiving to get here!  Many of you may not be as eager as I am for the holidays to arrive, but I embrace them with arms wide open.  The holiday commercials, the special logos on items at the grocery store, the boxes of Christmas cards beginning to be displayed, and of course the start of the most cherished seasonal films and shows!  I mean, who doesn’t love watching This is America Charlie Brown…that poor kid is literally seasick the entire time!

Yet with all that excitement headed my way, I am also struggling.  Struggling with maintaining some balance in my life.  There is just so much going on that at times I can’t seem to get my bearings.  I would be lying if I said I was trying to enjoy each day.  Quite the opposite actually.  I find myself wishing the weeks to go by so my life can return to some sort of normalcy where I can end my day feeling accomplished rather than defeated.  Allowing myself to relax and not wish away this particular time in my life is very difficult.  I know time will go by and this rather trying time will be over…but that doesn’t always work when I’m staring at a to-do list that doesn’t get shorter.

So you see, that’s what I am so eager for the holidays.  They give me hope and excitement that the present will not last forever and so I must choose to celebrate their approach with eagerness and joy.  Not exhaustion and resentment.

***Cue determined squaring of shoulders and lifted chin**

My sewing has been a bit spotty of late, although not completely forgotten.  While I have been able to create a few pieces, my sewing videos have been put on hold for a little bit.  But never fear!  They shall be coming your way soon! 🙂

I know that today’s post may not be the norm for me.  But it is real, honest, and what I am going through.  I know I am not alone, as many of us go through these rough patches every so often.  So for now I shall think happy thoughts about turkey, pies…and oh yes, Charlie Brown doing his best to keep down his lunch on the Mayflower!


Happy November everyone!  Let’s make it a good one!! 🙂
