From My Sewing Table: February

feb table

The desire that usually hits around this time of the year, has hit.  It took longer than expected and I thought, at first, that it wasn’t going to happen at all.  But it has.  What desire am I talking about?  Decorating.  Without fail, around the middle to end of January, I begin to feel the scaffolding need to decorate and tidy up.  It starts out innocent enough.  A reorganization here, a rearrange over there, and before you know it, I’m thinking about getting a new…well, something.  It’s the time of the year that I cherish the most, as I love giving a little fresh coat of love to my house.



I am in love with baskets like this one from Pier 1 to hold books, magazines, or even extra throws.

And of course, with the month of February, love is everywhere….as it should be!  Telling, or better yet, showing someone you care (whoever that person is in your life) should be a regular occurrence this month…and every month after. 🙂

The end of January and most of February consists of quite a few plans both in the sewing and personal world.  I have been very busy mocking, drafting, and designing in my sewing studio, occasionally coming up for air.  It has been glorious!  Yet, it is that time to have my sewing machine cleaned…which will take about two weeks.  Cue frightened scream!!  It will be a very difficult period of withdrawal! 🙂  However, I will be visiting my family in Florida for a bit of that time which will definitely help!


Woo hoo for sunshine!!

This month, I am very excited to be partnering again with Isabelle and Grey Dove from From Goats to Soaps for a very special giveaway that will start on the 22nd of February!  Isabelle and Grey Dove are the wonderful women behind Les Belles Bouclettes, an online shop which features many delicious bath products and high quality yarn straight from their own goats!  Isabelle and Grey Dove have created a stunning giveaway consisting of over ten items of bath goodies ranging from goats milk soap to tulip shaped bath fizzies like this one:

bath fizzies alone + bag

With Easter next month, this giveaway is perfect to keep you, or a loved one, smelling and feeling amazing! Check back on the 22nd for a full list and pictures of this Easter themed giveaway!

Giveaway will start February 22nd and will end on the 29th!  

So during this month, I hope you take some time to add a little something new to your home!  It is totally worth it!


A few upcoming posts to look for this month:

  • How I Organize My Sewing Notions
  • A Salute to the Purse: A Woman’s Best Friend
  • Creating the Perfect Red Lip

feb board

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