My Top Sewing Must Haves

I thought that I would take some time to share with you my absolute, most-favorite, must-have sewing tools.  While many of these are not unique or expensive, they are nonetheless vital to successful sewing.  I linked each item below the picture in case you would like to purchase any of these items for yourself.

I hope you enjoy and are able to take advantage of some of these wonderful products!


Craft Table

A bit of an investment, but your sewing and pattern designing will thank you for it!  I love that the size can be adjusted.  It isn’t the most sturdy table, but it has really given me the extra space I need to pin and cut.


Pattern Weights

I found these in the clearance bin at a Joann Fabrics and have not stopped using them!  If you dislike pinning pattern pieces to fabric, these are definitely for you!


Wristlet Pincushion

Have pins, will travel!  Again, another time saver that allows you to adjust and pin on a dress form at will.


A Loop Turner

My secret weapon for turning ties or straps of any size!


Thread Snips

These make cutting and trimming all those little threads very easy and allow for a close cut without the danger of snipping the actual fabric.


Plain Craft Paper

I create all my patterns on craft paper and then save them, labeled, in a bin for future use.  You can make notes and write down measurements to your heart’s content!


Book Holder

For those who do a lot of historical sewing, many of the patterns/ inspiration that you use are found in books or online.  I always keep a book holder on my sewing table so my reference (whether book or iPad) is never too far away.


Hardcover Journal

This is a must if you create your own patterns.  Everything I have ever created gets logged away in a journal for future reference, inspiration, or to save a few steps in the drafting process!  And of course,  it doesn’t hurt if it has a pretty design! 🙂


A Fun Coffee Mug

I sew better with coffee.  Period. 🙂


Fine Tipped Markers

Very helpful when I am  pattern drafting.  I like to color code or create notes in different colors to make sure that I don’t miss any little detail.

What are your sewing must haves?  Leave a comment below…I am always eager to learn about new tools or techniques!

Happy Sewing!


4 thoughts on “My Top Sewing Must Haves

  1. R Lanotte

    Hello, Aimee. I really enjoyed this post about your “must-haves” for the sewing room. Even though I’ve been sewing for a long time, I didn’t know that there was such an item as a loop turner! I was taught to turn those fabric loops with a small-gauge steel crochet hook, and that just doesn’t always work. I’ll be looking for a loop turner the next time I visit a fabric store. Thanks for sharing.

    Oh, and one of my absolute must-haves is good lighting to include natural light. Right now I use a tabletop craft light that doesn’t stay in position sometimes (It has a hinged arm with springs.) but for the most part works well. And I get natural light from an east-facing window that is behind where I sit at my sewing table. My sewing table is made from a solid core door that my husband put formica on and put sturdy, braced legs on the corners. He made it lower than normal table height, and it is very comfortable and stable to sew on. I guess that’s not a must-have, but just something that I appreciate having.

    Thank you, again.

    Mrs. L from Colorado


    • Hello!
      I am so glad that you enjoyed today’s post! I completely agree about lighting. It is one of those pieces that we don’t always think about but it is such an important aspect of comfortable and successful sewing!
      And I highly recommend the loop turner….best $4 I’ve ever spent!
      Thank you for your wonderful comment and I hope you have a fantastic Friday!


  2. Tegan

    I generally use washable markers so I can use them on fabric for mockups — far easier to use than chalk or pencil sometimes! Also, my favorite pattern weights are vase weights from the dollar store. Little glass stars with a flat back — super useful! Although my cat LOVES the sound they make when they skitter across the floor or table 😛


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