Packing the Lunch Box

Hands down one of the best parts of the day is lunch.  Not being a big breakfast eater, I am usually starving by lunch and thoroughly look forward to the “time-out” feeling that lunchtime provides.  Whether I am at home or at work, I eagerly look forward to that noon hour….especially if I packed something tasty!

Growing up, my brother and I were creatures of habit, especially about lunch.  We would go through fads that would last years.  My favorite lunch foods mirrored my rise through the grades and, of course, what the other kids would bring for lunch.  Elementary school lunch consisted of a snack bag of chips, a little can of fruit (remember those with the pop tops?), a Little Debbie, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  The latter was not my favorite part and would often be used to trade with other kids…sorry mom! 🙂  The older I got, the more I morphed into yogurts, and I think my every day lunch in high school was a blueberry bagel….that must be where I developed my TMJ.

Anyways, lunch was and is still my favorite time of the day, and what you bring your lunch in is every bit as important.  While today I splurge on Vera Bradley lunch boxes, as a child I was quite fond of Minnie Mouse….in fact here is a picture of the lunchbox I used for my early elementary years.


It even came with a thermos that I don’t believe I ever use….  I was mostly into juice boxes! 🙂

Packing a lunch has always been important, not only for taste, but for nutrition.  And many parents would spend just that extra time to make sure that everyone’s lunch was appealing, healthy, and hopefully eaten!

Here are a few excerpts from a 1950’s cookbook on how to pack the perfect lunch:

Packing the school lunch 2

packing a lunch box 3

May your lunchtime always be tasty, relaxing, and filling!


Source: Betty Crocker’s Good and Easy Cook Book, 1954

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